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What Does Aspen Laser Therapy Do?
According to Aspen Laser Company, LLC, Laser therapy is when light is turned to specific wavelengths and frequencies and applied to an organism to stimulate metabolic processes at the cellar level.
stimulation of ATP
stimulation of respiratory chain
increased DNA & RNA synthesis
increased collagen synthesis
increased levels of beta-endorphins and serotonin.
Benefits of Aspen Laser Therapy
Laser treatment does not require the use of drugs or surgery. According to Aspen Laser Company, LLC, there are no dangerous side effects or risks. Unlike most therapy products that treat the symptoms and mask the pain temporarily, Laser Therapy can help treat the cause of the pain and injury, helping the body to heal itself.
Decrease inflammation
Decrease muscle tightness and soreness
Decrease pain
Increase range of motion and movement
Increase faster recovery and healing
At Rock Chiropractic, we use Aspen Laser Therapy in conjunction with other practice chiropractic techniques to provide safe and effective treatments of a variety of disorders, including:
Neck pain
Knee pain
Muscle strains, including hamstring or quadriceps tears
Ligament sprains
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neuropathy-related pain
Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Plantar Fasciitis
Bell's Palsy
Myofascial trigger points
Rock Chiropractic wants to help you. Are you searching for a drug-free/surgery-free treatment option? Call Rock Chiropractic today and find out if the Aspen Laser Therapy treatment is right for you. For more information please call or schedule an appointment.